Friday, June 26, 2009

Stop Cruelty, Stop Factory Farming....

Factory farming is increasing in number from the last few decades. In these factory farms the animals are treated inhumanely. Freedom is a basic right for humans as well as for animals but here they are forced to live in small cages tightly together in a congested way to save space. The life of an animal in a factory farm is characterized by acute deprivation, stress, and disease.

Traditional family farms are being squeezed out of business by their inability to raise the capital to compete with huge factory farms. Moreover, local food processing industries also tend to disappear and be replaced by a few centralized units.

Why to put a stop on Factory Farming? ? ? ?

Food that comes from factory farms has no taste, is highly processed, is not nutritious and is often unhealthy. The animals are given antibiotics, hormones, and highly concentrated feed to accelerate growth and weight gain. This practice is not only harmful for the animals but also pose a huge lot of troubles to the people who consume them. The consumption of such meat causes many diseases such as pneumonia and other food-borne illness.

Factory farms produce huge quantities of excess animal waste, which are often stored in large pit holes or thrown to surrounding land thus contaminating air, land and even water causing a lot of harmful effects.

One of the most important objections to industrial farming is of an ethical nature. Even if all the environmental problems could be solved someway, still the manner in which the factory farming industry treats animals is unacceptable and sickening. Keeping as many animals as possible in a small space, without freedom of movement or the ability to express their natural behaviour is really unfriendly way.

Some of things we can do to an extend to stop animal killing and cruelty shown towards them are:

1. We can try to eliminate meat from our daily diet.
2. Write letters to higher officials to stop cruel factory farming practices.
3. We can donate money to animal rights organizations such as Farm Sanctuary.

It is not possible to guarantee the basic right to freedom for animals while industrial farming methods continue to be used. There is no animal welfare laws enforced that can protect the farm animals from these harsh and brutal treatments. As far as these animals are concerned they are continued to be treated in an unfriendly manner. Factory farms affect the environment, human health and employment. We need strong measures to prevent them.

The Video below depicts the cruelty of factory farming towards the poor animals, its really painful.....

On the other hand, it also shows sustainable family farming should be promoted: allowing small farmers who produce good and sustainable food to make a fair living from their job is the best way to stop factory farming to some extent.

Have a close watch to it....... its really shocking and unbeleivable...

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