Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Come on Lead India....

Lead India is a good initiative - to try and highlight the critical need of able leadership in India. It is pretty evident that our political process has failed in identifying, grooming or mentoring the kind of leadership that we need in India.

It can be assumed as a kind of pilot project being funded with lot of money and publicity. Its quite a true fact that we can’t create leaders out of sms-poll shows but what's wrong in trying something new. Everyone knows that middle-class clearly runs away from politics no matter how much it might lament over corrupt politicians. However, I'd just like to say that, what else is the kind of initiative we would propose to bring the middle-class youths come out of their shells to be part of political decision making process of India?

Times of India, ToI being a press of a democratic nation, this is what is expected out of them: to create awareness about the system, to spread the message to every nook and corner of the country, and yet they are going a step further, bringing out young leaders or at least providing a platform for someone who is willing to serve genuinely. And according to me it’s really a great thing. At least, this show can bring the issue of leadership to the people - what our leaders promise to us and what we get in return.
I wouldn't really support the ToI campaign in all factors but I still would like to put stress on the fact that it was an inspiration to all of us and it did generate the remarkable awareness. I do agree that one of the motive behind the campaign may be to boost up its sales but it should not matter to all of us as far as they are doing it for a good cause.

Just consider the case of we Indians ; Better than sitting around complaining about the Government which we all do, we ourselves doing nothing to improve one's own environment! Something we as Indian citizens are all guilty of somewhere or the other...

We are as responsible for bad or good governance as the Government is. Isn't a Democracy is a Government OF the people , BY the people, FOR the people??? We won our freedom through a discipline that we have now abandoned. Freedom was won at such a great price, a price we pay even today. Yet to be truly free is to set limitations on indulgence. The videos are really justifying the facts that every Indian must come forward and ACT…

Gandhiji said "Be the Change". We may or may not fully subscribe to his methods or agree with his political views, but it is important to remember we all have aresponsiblity towards our governance and our country. It is, after all for us all. Some action is better than none!!!

Thus according to me the campaign that Times of India carried out is at least provided us a few energetic, enthusiastic, willing to do work people, even though it fails to provide a pan india leader, it is at least a starting, a boost to all of those out there doing work selflessly.

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